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By September 18, 2017 October 17th, 2017 Veterinary General

Welcome to Veterinary General’s blog! We decided to enter the world of blogging not only to educate our clients, but to educate other pet owners around the world. The internet can be a source of great information, but also a lot of misinformation, rumors, myths, and opinions presented as fact. We will make our blog a great educational resource filled with unbiased, scientifically backed information that you can rely on. However, we want to make sure it is reader friendly and as free of medical jargon as possible, so our blog doesn’t become your cure for insomnia.
To start our blog we wanted to begin with a sensational, attention grabbing article that will make anyone want to read more every month. No pressure right? Since our goal, was “a new year, a new blog,” we thought an introduction to our culture is a good place to start. Below is a scholarship paper written by a valued employee that moved on to be certified in physical rehabilitation. We feel she captured our philosophy precisely.
How Veterinary Technicians Make a Difference in Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary technicians are the medical partners to veterinarians; highly skilled and knowledgeable, technicians are an asset to the veterinary practice. Technicians fill many roles in the hospital as well as keep it organized, sanitary, and running smoothly. Out of all the essential tasks technicians perform, the biggest difference a veterinary technician can make is to the families of the pets they treat. Without the families who own pets, veterinary medicine could not exist. When a technician loses sight of the client, they lose sight of the very essence of veterinary medicine; helping improve the human-pet bond through better health and well-being of their pet.
Every new kitten or puppy gives a veterinary technician a chance to lay a solid foundation of trust and respect between the family and their veterinarian. A technician can aide the family through the ups and downs of puppy and kitten hood, and provide the guidance they need to raise a great family pet. As the pet grows so does our relationship with the family, sharing the pain of needle like teeth and the laughs of baby antics.
As puppies and kittens grow up the technician walks the family through their pet’s spay or neuter, and this is often the last time they see their patients as babies. Educational puppy and kittens visits become annual, wellness, or vaccine appointments. These yearly routine visits can easily make families feel like a number. Asking questions, observing, and listening to the family, a technician can use their knowledge to identify potential concerns before they can become medical problems.
As their pets age or become ill, veterinary technicians can make the biggest difference in the family’s life. Technicians, with their knowledge of diseases and pharmacology, can guide the family through treatment regimens and explain the disease processes to truly educate the family to the health status of their pet. This allows the family to leave confident in their decisions, treatment plan, and diagnosis for their pet. Clients educated by their veterinary technicians are less likely to venture to other non-medical sources for their medical information.
Veterinary technicians can work with their veterinarians to develop plans that must fit the needs of the patient and also fit the needs of the family. Treating and preventing illness is our long-term goal and client compliance is the veterinary professional’s biggest hurdle. If a family feels they cannot follow through with the treatment plan a technician communicates with the veterinarian to alter the plan. Compliance cannot be forced, but can be inspired by a caring, patient technician who knows the special needs or circumstances that surround the patients and their families.
Veterinary technicians can use their skills to aid elderly patients in a humane and caring manner. Technicians are there to share the grief of the families when a poor diagnosis is given. They are there for families without judgment, with words of sympathy, and a box of Kleenex when it is time to say goodbye. With the veterinarian, technicians help the family through the loss of their beloved family member with compassion and kindness.
From adoption to the senior years, veterinary technicians make a difference to the health of their patients, but also their family. It is an honor to support the bond between a family and their pets. This bond is the cornerstone of our profession. As veterinary technicians we have a choice to embrace our clients as families caring for their loved ones as best they know how or just another appointment, this choice can be the difference between a rewarding career or just another job.
We hope you enjoyed the article and the introduction to our practice’s culture. Next entry we will cover socialization of puppies! This will be a series of posts aimed at creating a socialization plan that is fun and customized to your puppy’s personality.

Cathryn Adolph, LVT, CCRP

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